General information about Celestial Name Database

Celestial Name Database is a non-governmental, non-profit and independent database from Europe. At the moment, we have one of the largest and the oldest online star name databases in the world. Moreover, the location of every celestial object in our database is recognized and approved by NASA.
Online Celestial Name Database has been authorized to issue star certificate documents (Star Certificate and Star Map) for every entry in the celestial name database ever made. Therefore, everyone will be able to find their star in our catalogues till the end of the time.
Celestial name database partners
In 2006 our database exceeded 50 000 unique records. Due to limited possibilities of adding more stars for a rapidly growing number of individuals interested in naming stars, in 2010, we had launched a program where commercial entities gained an opportunity to submit their applications to become our official partners. The following guaranteed businesses quick access to our celestial name database. In return, in the scope of the Partnership Program, the commercial websites have been monitored and audited monthly. All our partners are highly qualified specialists who use the latest technologies to ensure quick and safe star naming.
What is Star Celestial Name Database?
History of Names
From the second, the man laid eyes on the night sky, he/she felt the need to record the location of each astronomical object. In fact, scientists still refer to the most ancient cosmic guides presented by Ptolemy or Babylonian astronomers. International Astronomical Union has updated older star catalogues with the most recent discoveries in the field of astronomy. However, the IAU has created the list of star names for scientific purposes only. Therefore, approved stellar names are in a rigid format with no personal implications.
IAU Star Naming
Knowing that IAU does not offer registration services, astronomy enthusiasts and experts decided to create a unified and official database allowing anyone to leave their mark on the universe with celestial name database.
Celestial name database
All in all, the celestial name database is a company that provides star naming services all over the world. Every star naming provides one entry in our database, as well as the Certificate, which is a proof of stellar record, and a Star Map with the exact coordinates of the star. A list of all cataloged stars is available in star list lookup.
How to find your star in the database?
Every named star can be easily found in an online database, that holds both astronomical data (coordinates, magnitude, declination, etc.) and information about the particular listing (star’s name, ID number and constellation).
Find your star: a step-by-step guide:
- Each registration has a unique ID number that is visible on Star Certificate.
- Open our homepage and copy your ID number.
- Then click to "check register number"
- This is how your star looks in the space. Also, here you will see details about your star's name and its coordinates.
If you have any other questions regarding the star naming process, do not hesitate to contact us. We guarantee the best service to name a star online and ensure the quality of the documents provided. Get a star, and you will have the most authentic gift in the universe.
Celestial name database is a very simple, yet unique service.
Within a few minutes, anyone can have their own star that will be recorded within SREU database. Our star locations are based on NASA's stellar catalogues, ensuring accuracy for each star's coordinates. Moreover, we assign only clearly visible stars, so that anyone can easily spot the star in the night sky with no special equipment.
For each registration, the customer will receive a Star Certificate and Star Map that has no expiration, and the entry in the catalog that will be retrievable at all times.